Mastering MS Project Professional
This course will help you learn the basics of Microsoft Project, a software tool for managing projects. You will be able to create and update project plans using this software.
This course is suitable for anyone who has some knowledge of project management concepts and computer skills.
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to accomplish the following:
- Understand the basic purpose and operation of the software, and work with windows, Ribbon tabs and buttons, and views.
- Create a new project and create, edit, and outline a task list, as well as establish dependencies by linking tasks.
- Add and assign resources to a project, work with project calendars, and enter project costs, such as standard, variable, and fixed costs.
- Apply page setup options, create headers and footers, insert page breaks, and preview and print project information.
- Apply task type settings, modify fixed tasks, set task constraints, and define and format the critical path.
- Apply preset and custom contours, edit resource assignments, identify and resolve resource over-allocations, and set and modify a baseline.
- Track the progress of a project, update tasks and schedule, and compare baseline vs. actual data.
Unit 1: Overview of MS Project
- Project Management Concepts
- Getting Started
- Exploring all the Ribbon and Tabs
- Saving Projects
- Changing the View and Moving Within a View
Unit 2: Project Creation
- Project Information
- Creating Task Lists
- Editing Task Lists
- Outlining Task Lists
- Creating Task Dependencies
- Modifying Task Dependencies
Unit 3: Project Resources & Costs
- Entering Project Resources
- Resource Assignment Concepts
- Assigning Resources
- Working with Project Calendars
- Working with Resource Calendars
- Working with Task Calendars
- Entering Project Costs
Unit 4: Scheduling Methods
- Working with Task Constraints
- Identifying Factors Affecting Tasks
- Defining the Critical Path
Unit 5: Resolving Resource Conflicts
- Editing Resource Assignments
- Locating Resource Overallocations
- Resolving Resource Overallocations
- Saving the Baseline
Unit 6: Tracking Project Progress
- Tracking Task Progress
- Updating Tasks
- Updating Tasks Using Various Tables
- Comparing Actual vs Planned Data
Unit 7: Sorting, Filtering & Grouping Tasks
- Sorting Views
- Filtering Views
- Grouping Tasks and Resources
- Modifying Gantt Chart Views
Unit 8: Working with Project for the Web
- Overview of Project for the Web
- Creating a New Project or Roadmap in Project Home
- Entering Task Information in Project for the Web
- Creating Task Dependencies
- Navigating the Different Views (Grid, Board, Timeline & Charts)
- Working with Project for the Web in MS Teams